don't postpone joy

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

don't let them eat cake

I didn't even have any cake on my birthday...what I did have, however, was a chocolate mousse martini. I don't care how it sounds to you, it was simply fantastic for me. the glass was rimmed with the yummiest mousse, and filled with a heavenly knock you on your ass potion. Some old guy (certifiably he was 70 something) bought me a little split of French champagne...Jack was his name. (lost his wife 4 years ago...) I thanked him there, but I'll thank him here, too...thank you Jack.

Out of the blue my friend Maribeth called to wish me a happy day. I didn't even know she knew. Worked out perfectly, as I didn't have one blessed thing planned for last night. My choice for dinner--it goes without saying-- we had raw fish. The name of the restaurant is Piranha (killer sushi) cute, huh?
I love going to that place...they know me by name; it's kinda Maribeth and I sat there drinking wine and splattering wasabi laden soy sauce all over the place...laughing, taking pictures, and even flirting with the sushi chef guys.
Then off to the bar next door for martinis...
is this boring to you?
There's no pink ink that's very readable. mom came through with the best birthday card of all time (for me anyway)
there's a girl sitting in front of a little birthday cupcake with a candle in it....and it says :
All I want is peace on earth
and cute shoes.
dude, that fits me to a T.
I know it's retarded, but I went out and bought a cool frame, and hung the damned thing on my wall.
...speaking of cute shoes, my new blogfriend feetman78
has inspired me to start photographing my cute shoes. I'm not to where I know how to download off of my digital camera...but I'm workin on it (shit I can't even link people to other blogs)
As I proclaimed to Rat, yesterday, this is the Year of Daisy. (like the Chinese calendar, but different)
Long live Daisy.
Today is the first day.
Driving to work this morning, I had a really good when you meet someone new and you flirt like crazy feeling...can't wait for him to call feeling...surprise text message feeling...first kiss follow? Although I did spend some quality time with me this morning, I don't think that's what it is. Maybe it's because I'm meeting ME for the first time. and I like me. and I can't wait to be with me. I thought I knew myself, but I guess I really don't. and that's what this excited feeling is all about...

Here's hoping you have a great day.
love ya...and I really do mean it
No, I'm not still drunk on chocolate martinis...



At 23 August, 2005 07:35, Blogger Eddie said...

What a great, inspiring post!

At 23 August, 2005 08:31, Blogger Rat In A Cage said...

That was aweome. What a great way to kick off the Year of The Daisy.


At 23 August, 2005 11:38, Blogger Unknown said...

Congratulations on a most excellent birthday..long live sushi and choc. mousse martini's! cant wait for some pics girl..get a move on.. :)

At 23 August, 2005 13:50, Anonymous Anonymous said...

happy birthday.

old guys named Jack buying women I know drinks is one of the reasons I've given up on dating... :(

boo hoo, poor me, I'm hijacking your joy over your birthday.


At 23 August, 2005 19:05, Blogger daisyduke said...

I have plenty of joy to share colonel...maybe i SHOULD give up on dating, but I'm reallyt not ready to get all crazy and be the spinster woman with 46 cats...

At 23 August, 2005 19:26, Blogger Rat In A Cage said...

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